Selasa, 3 November 2009

New N3....

Welcome..welcome..I want to welcome to those people yg sudi2 menjenguk my new blog. I create my new blog juz for fun. Saje2 nk tukar angin. Dh boring dengan yang lama..hehe..
Erm, actually I dunno what to say for this first posting. I've no idea. Can somebody give me an idea????huhu...x malu kan mntak idea dari org *malu dgn diri sendiri..hehe
At this moment, I feel very2 boring la..dunno what to do. Sume orang dah tdo. Tinggal la diriku kesorangan mengetuk keyboard laptop kesayanganku ini..Sebenarnya baru lepas b'gayut with my beloved one. Dia masih setia menemaniku yang kesepian di kala ini.*cian dia,kn??...Aku yg boring si dia plak terpaksa berjaga..xpe2, bukan aku yg pakse..kebetulan je dia blom tdo lagi..
Ermm.. I really2 miss him so much. The last time we met together on May 2009, I forget the date. Now, it's already November..Let me count...1,2,3,4,5??Yesss, about 5 months we didn't meet each other..What to do???
Ermmm..ok la, I feel tired rite now. I juz want to sleep. I'll write again for the next posting....

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